
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel… Model Successful People for Quicker Success

Modeling: The Shortcut to Success
By Ron Vaimberg, President, Ron Vaimberg International
Wherever I speak and teach, there is always one burning question that arises among loanofficers: What is the one thing I can do to be successful? Until today, my answer has alwaysbeen simple: Take action on what you already know!
While this answer may be appropriate for those who already know the basics, it may not be thebest answer for all loan officers, especially for the newcomers. I have realized that many loanofficers, particularly new ones, may not have the slightest idea of the basics of sales, so advisingto “take action” is not necessarily good advice at all.
As many people do, I sometimes get caught up in the day-to-day duties of running my trainingbusiness and lose sight of some of the basic principles that have led me to success over theyears. In my search for a better answer, I realized that I already know and have lived the answer.It’s a formula that, when followed, will only result in great success. Not only is it the single mostpowerful learning tool that has enabled me to literally transform my financial future in a very shortperiod of time, it has also enabled me to start new business ventures and turn them profitable inlittle or no time, while many others have taken months or even years to accomplish the sameresults.
The golden answer to the questions lies within the simple yet, highly effective concept called“modeling.”
As I sit here today, I reflect upon all of the areas that I have used this concept. Withoutexception, every time I have implemented this concept, I achieved positive results faster andgreater than if I had tried to figure things out on my own.
What is Modeling?
Modeling is the process of seeking out individuals that have accomplished exactly what you wantto accomplish, learning their success formulas, and then taking the same exact actions. We haveto remember that we are not trying to reinvent the wheel. Proven sales success strategiesalready exist within the mortgage industry. All you need to do is find successful loan officers thatare generating business the way you want to generate your business, then duplicate what theysay, how they say it, and what they do every day.
The reason why modeling is the most powerful way to be successful is because it gives you achoice of how to become successful. Many trainers today teach sales systems that have workedfor them. Nothing is wrong with this, unless the sales system they are teaching doesn’t align withyour method of originating business. For example, let’s say you work for a lender that providesyou leads through telemarketing and advertising, but the trainer tells you to develop realtorrelationships. What you need to realize is the method you were just taught by the trainer is notaligned with your current business model. I believe that there is no “best” business model forsuccess, other than the model that aligns with your way of wanting to do business.
Many loan officers are more adept at originating business one way versus another. I have oftenseen loan officers excel in specific marketing or selling situations while struggling with others.The key to success is aligning your skill set with the sales and marketing methods that you notonly have mastered, but also enjoy implementing. Remember, having passion to do somethingand having the skills to implement the strategy make taking action easy.Modeling: Step by Step
Let me clarify this concept of “modeling” by giving you step-by-step instructions. If you followthese steps, you are guaranteed to take the fast road to success, avoiding the mistakes that mostsalespeople make when trying to grow their businesses.
1. Determine your preferred sales and marketing method. Do you want to be an insidesalesperson or an outside sales person? Would you prefer to work with real estateagents?2. Identify sales professionals that are already successful in using your preferred method.Find at least three loan officers that are achieving the results that you want to achieve.Longevity in the business does not matter. What you want is someone who is alreadyachieving the financial results you want.3. Create a list of questions that you would like them to answer. Believe it or not, most topprofessionals will be happy to share their success strategies with you. Offering to buythem lunch also helps. Feel free to visit to download afree modeling guide that can help you in soliciting success strategies from top producers.4. Repeat the questionnaire with other top producers.5. TAKE THE SAME ACTIONS THEY TAKE!Case in Point
The other day I was conducting a presentation for about 300 loan officers. I had just finished theprogram opening with a visualization exercise when I noticed that someone got up and walkedout fairly abruptly, before I had even begun to teach mortgage-specific strategies.
At the break, I inquired about the sudden departure, and found that the individual had left sayingthe words “I did not come here to listen to a junior Tony Robbins”.
After absorbing what this person had said, I smiled. I realized that he had just compared me tothe world’s number one business and personal development coach. Just to give you somebackground, I have been studying excellence for many years, and Tony Robbins has been one ofthe key influences in my life as a professional sales professional and national speaker. Basedupon this individual’s comments, my modeling of Tony had really worked! I was just compared tothe best of the best in the speaking field. The only down side to this incident was that the personthat left early never got to hear the mortgage sales and marketing strategies that I am sure hecould have modeled to become more successful.
You might be saying that success cannot be this simple. But the truth is, it is that simple. I haveused the concept of modeling to build a successful mortgage company as well as a successfulspeaking and training business. And by modeling best practices examples, I have taughtthousands of mortgage professionals to accomplish far more than they ever imagined. All youneed are good practices to model. For examples of practices worth modeling, you are welcometo visit my web site,, and download “Nine Ways to Increase YourOriginations and Profits”. Once you’re armed with ideas worth modeling, there is no limit to yourpotential for success.

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